Homo Desmodus: My take on a realistic vampire skull

Hello. Well, winter depression hit about as soon as it was time to winterize the motorcycles, and that killed any motivation I had for a while. Fortunately, I could still come up with several ideas to try to motivate myself to get up off my ass, cherry-picked my favorite, and spent way too much time bringing it to life. I purchased a HUGE resin printer (the Anycubic M3 Max) a few months ago while it was on sale. It sat, unopened, in its obscenely giant box – taking up half of my tiny kitchen space – for a couple months before I could finally gather the motivation and courage to sculpt something large enough to justify opening it. Being either ballsy or stupid or a bit of both, I skipped the test print stage and printed this giant sonofabitch. Somehow, it all worked out without a hitch:

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Hopefully it shows, but in case you cannot tell what you are looking at, my idea was to make a life-sized human/vampire bat hybrid skull. I wanted to go for extreme accuracy and realism–melding recognizable features of each into one coherent package. This meant sculpting a brand-new human skull around the teeth and nose and ear bones of a vampire bat, then creating a jaw that could function around these strange new shapes.

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The lower jaw was indeed a challenge, as neither the human nor bat jaw as they stand in real life could rotate on their hinges properly while clearing the giant teeth, and still have the bat’s characteristic under-bite, but I believe I came up with a solution that looks as good as I could make it, and more importantly, one that functions.

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And since I like the look of this model much more with its mouth in the open position, I decided to use my terrible woodworking skills and rudimentary woodworking tools to butcher some oak and felt and make a stand for it.

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This took approximately 70ish hours to sculpt in ZBrush using one of my real human skulls and several pictures of vampire bat skulls as references.

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The print itself in the Anycubic M3 Max printer took about 24 hours and over 1kg of resin. Unfortunately, the autofill did not work, so every three hours for 24 hours I needed to manually top off the resin vat. Sleep was severely lacking that day…

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Once the print finished, it was yet another several hours cleaning up and curing the clear resin print, but at that point I was happy to do so as the largest print I ever attempted on a brand new printer actually worked!

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Finally, it was time for painting. I started with a base coat of some paint and primer spray paint in a matte ivory silk color, and then, once that was dry, attacked it with a paintbrush and acrylics followed by a bunch of washes and sponge dabbing and dry brushing. When that was dry, I applied some matte clear-coat and painted over the teeth with epoxy to give them a realistic shine.

I don’t hate it. The amount of work put into this was obscene, but I ticked off something I have been wanting to do since I was a child: I sculpted a realistic life-sized skull that doesn’t look like complete shit. That has to count for something, right?

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I’ve Been Framed!!!

Ok, this is the last I am doing with that damned skull model I made a while back and have been unrelentingly spamming lately. I really, truly, probably mean it this time! I tweaked a few more things, then chopped his face off and sculpted him a simple frame in ZBrush. I merged everything together into one piece and printed a life-sized version in resin, then finished it with some cheap-ass acrylic paints and old brushes. Here he is:

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Now THAT should be the end of this guy!

Skulls, Slugs, a Redux and Mad Props: Guess Who Remembered He Has a Blog!

254 years ago I decided it might be a wise idea to start an “art” blog. Inspired by a friend’s art blog, it was my thinking that having one of my own might motivate me to make more art. For about five minutes, this seemed to actually work! And on the sixth minute, after a sickeningly meager amount of posts, my attention waned, life happened, then came the bouts of overtime at work, then the stress of that pathetic clown-show and all the drama associated with the last presidential election, and finally I went and got myself good and sick. 

Currently I am feeling much better, am somehow not on overtime (yet) this week, and it occurs to me that I have this blog thing that I have been horribly neglecting for a bit too long. So, I decided to use this post as a dumping ground for the few things I have been working on so I can move forward with some new shit. Without further ado…


Hoax1 Small
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This skull was sculpted from scratch in Zbrush. I used one of my human skulls and my dog skull as a reference while sculpting. I tried to combine attributes of each in an anatomical way that looked like it might really be able to work in nature. The parietal portion of the skull came from my imagination. I pictured an almost werewolf style creature while sculpting this, but now that I look at it, it resembles a baboon. Go figure…an amorous gentleman and a scandalous dog hook up for a night of unadulterated debauchery and a goddamn baboon is the end product of that questionable coupling. They probably taught that in 4th grade science class on the one day I wasn’t paying attention. 

Anyways, I printed this on my Photon Mono X printer, painted it with acrylics, and created a stand for it with wire, felt, and some Magic Sculpt epoxy putty. Here are a couple more shots in various stages of painting:

Hoax1 Collage Small
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Now onto the next…

Parasite: “Nymph Redux”

You might remember this creature from a previous post. I was quite happy with how it turned out, but after so long the coating on my rose-tinted glasses started to peel away, and I found more and more things I wished I had done differently. Luckily I saved the Zbrush file I created, so I opened it back up and retweaked it. I have not printed this yet, but I did manage to produce a Keyshot render.

Parasite-Nymph Redux Small
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…and what’s this? Another parasite?!

Parasite: “Slugm’n”

Again, another made from scratch Zbrush sculpt I printed on my Epax X1 3D printer and finished with acrylics, some wire, and Magic Sculpt epoxy Putty. Nothing too special here, except maybe his sassy snarky smirk. I do like his paint-job a little too.

Parasite-Slugm'n Small
Click for Full Size

Oh, he also has a backstory:  The Slugm’n is just a happy, albeit “bitchy” little guy who lives in YOUR inner ear – or as he likes to call it, his bathroom…there’s no such thing as earwax. He whispers all sorts of random gibberish to you that can only be heard right as you’re falling asleep; you know, the type of shit that makes sense until a neighbor honks or a dog barks or the neighborhood children toss a brick at your window as part of their heathen rituals, then you jolt awake with four inches of drool dangling from your dirty little mouth and wonder just what in the fuck those stupid voices were telling you. Yes, the Slugm’n is also an asshole. 

Ok, we’re almost at the end of this post. Now is finally the time for:


I have two, count them, TWO art friends. Both of these friends have recently accomplished something awesome, so this is me bragging about BOTH of my only art friends. In no particular order, here they are:

The first is my friend John Douglas. He is the guy who inspired me to start this damned blog in the first place and introduced me to life drawing. He is an exceptional artist who just keeps improving. Recently, he completed the album cover and highly stylized profile pictures for the Netherlands death metal band “Buried” on their brand new “Oculus Rot” album. View his post HERE. It is fricking awesome! 

The next person I have to give mad props to is my friend Michelle Brost. She is an amazing 2D animator and an animation instructor at Minneapolis College of Art and Design. She recently finished a very surreal and beautiful animated film that was just accepted by the GLAS Animation Festival in LA.! 

I am so proud of both of these people and honored and lucky to call them my friends. They both provide me with more inspiration than they could ever know. And they’re both from Minnesota…hrmmmm…must be something in the air there. Might be the time to consider moving…

And just like that, this post is FINALY done!!!

Mask up, stay safe, and don’t be an asshole. Shit will get better.