Stop the Jaw Flapping: Another Human Skull Study

Recently I have been on a kick of making illustrations with no prior planning or use of references. While working that way is extremely freeing and something I am definitely going to continue doing, I think it’s also important to do studies where you strictly adhere to references to help build up the ol’ mental reference library.

I figured today was as good a day as any to break out my long neglected pencils and try a few techniques I have never really tried before.  This illustration is based on a photo I took of one of my own skulls.  I used this opportunity to try out my proportional divider (as opposed to my normal gridding or half-assed eyeballing) and I have to say, I kick myself for waiting so long in my life to use it!  I also used an electric eraser for the first time in my life, and for what I can remember, this was the first serious piece I ever used blending stumps on.  Here’s what came out of all that:

Stop the Jaw Flapping Small
Click image for full resolution

All in all, I think this experiment was very successful!  Makes me wonder what other tools that would greatly aid my workflow I am missing out on.

Arbor Day

I’ve been in awe over some of my 4-year-old niece’s drawings lately.  They are completely uninhibited and unapologetic.  Logic is an afterthought if it has been used at all.  Her drawings are brilliant in their spontaneity.  She feels no need to explain herself, yet in her drawings you can practically hear the story screaming to come out.  I have some plans involving these drawings of hers, but for now, here’s one I came up with that was inspired by her spontaneity:

Arbor Day
“Arbor Day” – Made in Artstudio Pro on the Ipad Pro

I once again went at this one with no idea what I was going to be doing and with no motives other than to make something interesting to look at.  At the very least, no matter how I feel about the end result (I am unsure at the moment), avoiding any preconceived ideas or using any sort of references remains a very freeing feeling.  I will be back with either another one of these or one for the “Organ-ick” series as soon as I am able.

Happy holidays to everyone and have a happy new year!