Homo Lupus: My take on a realistic werewolf skull

So, earlier I made a vampire skull. That smiling fucker has been looking pretty damn lonely, so it seemed the only option I had was to create him a buddy. In sticking with the hybrid skull mashup fuckery, I decided to put my spin on another classic movie monster before I start taking the hybrids to more surreal territories. Here is my stab at a scientifically accurate werewolf mid-transformation:

click for full size

As usual, I sculpted this entirely from scratch in ZBrush. It was printed life-size in resin on an Anycubic M3, painted with acrylics, and the teeth were given a shine with clear uv resin. The stand was also created in ZBrush, then printed in filament on the Anycubic Kobra Max and accented with black felt. Here are some more pics:

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This was a fun one that I had to treat like a puzzle. While there are some similarities between canine and human skulls, there are also plenty of contradicting landmarks. Using one of my human skulls and one of my canine skulls as reference, I did my best to imagine what a midway morph between the opposing landmarks of each skull, then model it while trying to maintain a sense of believability and interesting flowing forms. For example, rather than shooting the muzzle of the wolf directly outward, I decided to bring it out and downward at an angle. This helped form a strong silhouette and maintained wolf and human readability (at least to me anyway.) Bringing the muzzle straight out would have looked cartoonish-like a human skull with a tacked-on muzzle. I also decided to keep the nasal cavity and majority of the teeth more human than not, since the eye sockets, canines, sagittal crest, and zygomatics were already leaning very wolfish.   

That’s all the energy I have for now. I’ll be back one of these days, most likely with another hybrid skull at some point.

Here’s a Keyshot render, because, why not?:

click for full size

2 thoughts on “Homo Lupus: My take on a realistic werewolf skull

  1. Yo Toddly, 🙂

    Finally, your love of Furries is paying off! (J/K) This series looks AMAZING! Your Vampire and Werewolf skulls are great, both in their anatomical skillz (or is it skullz?) and the painting you did.  I can’t wait to see what happens next in this series. Will it be another classic-style monster such as Frankenstein, the Creature from the Black Lagoon, or maybe one of them John Carpenter Things? We all wait to see!

    Sorry I haven’t written for a while. I’ve been SWAMPED lately and will continue to be so for the next couple-a-few weeks, alas. So, one of these days I’ll write to you again.

    Awesome job, m’man–You’re doing some of your best work!

    More sooner rather than later (I hope).

    Your pal (and Superman’s),

    John D.


    1. Hahaha, thanks John!!! Sorry I’ve been pretty busy too lately. But I have been forcing myself to be more productive in my “spare time”. Already tweaked and got another print of the werewolf after finding little nitpicky things with this one. I’m much more happy with it now and am ready to move on to the next. I am trying really hard not to compromise on these at all. I do plan on this being a series and have way too many ideas, but I can tell you that the easiest two on my list (vampire and werewolf) are done. The next ones are going to be drastically increasing in complexity. I have one more take on a classic universal monster planned…which I am already dreading, before venturing way out there to hybrids that really have no easy solutions for merging. But that’s how to learn I guess! Hope you’re doing good!!! I’ll talk to you later!


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