
This was just an aimless and quick digital doodle I did in front of the television that seemed interesting enough to develope a little further.  No idea what the hell is going on it it, but clearly shenanigans are involved.

“Pod” – Made in Artstudio Pro on the Ipad Pro

I’m kind of enjoying the whole aimless direction I have been taking recently and plan to continue down that road even more.  It’s very liberating not having any expectations ahead of time.

I’ll hopefully return soon with another “Organ-ick” post…I didn’t give up on them yet!

Organ-ick: Stuck

Continuing my “Organ-ick” series, I decided to go just a hair more colorful and bright this time around.  I’m still using the same cheap Liquitex Basics paints, shoddy old brushes, and generic 8×10 canvas panels.  I’m also working with very limited time.  I’m using these restraints to try to increase my output speed and hopefully learn a few new techniques.  Here is “Stuck”:

Click image for full resolution

Once again, I wouldn’t by any means say I am proud of this one, and once again there are some aspects (the coloring on the upper right in particular) that surprised me.  But most importantly, once again I completed yet another post!

Organ-ick: Judge Noodlebeak Ponders His Larkspur Coif

Why hello!  After facing the growing lack of productivity guilt for long enough because of yet another way-too-long absence from here, I decided to sift through the ever growing list of painting ideas in my head and completely ignore them.  This was (obviously) made with absolutely no pre-planning while using a medium I have next to no experience in and the most beat-up garbage brushes I own.  It was more enjoyable than it should have been – so enjoyable, in fact, that my plan is to make this a series.  So, without any further ado, here is the first of hopefully many in the “Organ-ick” series:

Click Image for Full Resolution

This was made using the cheap Liquitex Basics acrylics on a cheap-ass Walmart 8×10 canvas panel  (I’ll break out my good acrylics and brushes when I feel like I’ve earned them).  I had no idea what I was going to paint, but felt like experimenting with abstract organic forms.  Several times forms tried popping out to beg to be transformed into something recognizeable, and several times I fought the urge and instead added some hints here and there, but nothing more.  I think the fun in this painting is the screaming your brain makes when trying to make sense out of it.  It’s ugly, it makes no, sense. but it was fun.

And with that, I just made an actual post!